圣路易斯华盛顿大学—Master of Accounting
10/01/2015; 01/05/2016; 03/26/2016
Statement of Purpose
Rather than asking you for an assorted series of short essay responses, we require that you submit one comprehensive personal statement regarding your interest in the program and your personal and professional aspirations. We believe that this relatively open-ended requirement will allow you to more fully express your candidacy for our program.
范德堡大学—Master of Accountancy
12/01/2015; 01/01/2016
● Your essays give us great insight into your fit with the MAcc program, your personality and other unique qualities.
● You will submit the two essays with your online application.
● In the first essay explain your short-term and long-term career plans as specifically as possible.
● In the second essay discuss how you think you could contribute to Owen and the MAcc program.
● Each essay is limited to no more than 500 words.
If necessary, you may provide an additional statement to explain poor academic performance, weak test scores, academic misconduct, violations of the law or anything else that you think is important for the Admissions Committee to know about you that is not already addressed elsewhere in your application. Please use the Optional Essay space in the online application
圣母大学—Master of Science in Accountancy
The essay should be a maximum of two pages, double spaced, with your name at the top of each page. It should address the following question:
Your responsibility as a lifelong member the Mendoza community is to Ask More of Business - to personally exemplify the three supporting tenets of individual integrity, organizational excellence, and a concern for the common good. How do you plan to do this as a student and in your professional career?
弗吉尼亚大学—M.S. in Accounting
09/15/2015; 10/15/2015; 11/15/2015; 12/15/2015; 01/15/2016; 02/15/2016; 03/15/2016
Question 1
Please explain how your previous experiences (e.g., undergraduate education, internships, work experience, leadership opportunities, volunteerism, etc.) combined with a Master of Science in Accounting from the McIntire School of Commerce will help you accomplish your career goals. (500 word limit)
If there is further information that you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee, please feel free to provide it. (500 word limit)
威廉玛丽学院—Master of Accounting
Rolling Admission)
Personal Statement
Please answer both of the following questions in your essay.
What qualities do you have that will make you a good accountant?
What are you hoping to achieve during your studies in the MAcc Program?*
Optional Essay 2
Communicate any extra information you may want us to have. (We assume most applicants will not complete this section.)
维克森林大学—Master of Science in Accountancy
One written essay is required. Exception: Done in a Day participants may forgo writing the essay in exchange for the Done in a Day interviews. If you have registered and received confirmation for your participation in a Done in a Day event, please type “Participating in Done in a Day”in a Word document and upload this document for your essay in the online application. Done in a Day participants are welcome to submit an essay if they would like to, but it is not a required component.
Required essay
The essay has a 750-word limit and should be typed, double-spaced, using 11 point font. To submit, you will upload your document in the essay section of the online application. This year’s essay question is: “How will the MSA degree from Wake Forest University fulfill your professional goals?”
Optional essay:
Applicants may use the optional essay on the online application to discuss anomalies that exist in their application or address aspects that may be concerning to the Admissions Committee. This essay is optional and not required.
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校—Master of Accounting
12/01/2015; 02/15/2016; 03/31/2016
Statement of Purpose
We want to know why accounting is the career for you. The statement should also describe why you want to earn a Master of Accounting degree from UNC Kenan-Flagler.
波士顿学院—Master of Science in Accounting
summer: 12/01; Fall: 02/01
Two personal essays are required to apply to the BC MSA Program. You may also submit one additional optional essay with your application. All essays should be limited to 500 words in length, typed in 12-point font, and double-spaced. The essay questions are:
Essay 1
Please discuss how you plan to achieve your short and long term career goals. What challenges will you face and how will you leverage your academic and professional experiences to achieve these goals? (500 words, 12 point font, double-spaced)
Essay 2
Please indicate your reasons for applying to the Carroll School of Management. What unique characteristics of the Boston College MBA, MSA or MSF program resonate with you both personally and professionally? (500 words, 12 point font, double-spaced)
Optional Essay (select one):
1. Please introduce yourself to the BC community. Feel free to be creative in expressing your message. (500 words)
2. Is there any aspect of your candidacy that you would like to explain in more detail? (500 words)
罗切斯特大学—Master of Science in Accountancy
10/15/2015; 11/15/2015; 01/05/2016; 03/15/2016; 05/15/2016
Essay 1 (Required)
Describe your short-term and long-term goals for post-MBA or post-MS. Given the fluctuation of economic and industry hiring trends, identify a back-up plan should your short-term goal not be immediately attainable. How does your past education and experience support your career objectives? Lastly, what aspects of your intended Simon Business School program make it a good choice for your graduate study? (250-500 word limit)
Essay 2 (Required for Full-Time MBA/MS Only)
In 25 words or less, provide us with an interesting fact about yourself not expressed elsewhere in your application. (25 word limit)
Essay 3 (Optional)
Share additional information you think is important in the evaluation of your application, including any concerns you think the Admissions Committee may have regarding your candidacy. (500 word limit)