帝国理工学院是伦敦大学(University of London)的独立学院,位于伦敦西部,主校区位于Kensington,另一个校区在Berkshire的Ascot。学校在学术和财政上均享在一定的自主权,以工程、医科专业而著名。 帝国理工学院不仅在欧洲,在全世界也一直是声名远扬的。下面请看金东方的留学专家为大家带来的帝国理工学院会计与金融介绍。
金融与会计是两个相辅相成的专业,所学内容常有交叉,也能互相补充,对基础学科和学生能力的要求有相似之处,今后的就业方向也有交叉,所以在英国,这两个专业通常合为一个专业,称为Accounting and Finance。在这个范围内,也有许多侧重不同的专业:比如许多学校会开设专门的金融学专业(Finance),略侧重理论研究;有些更侧重实际分析或融资,如金融分析(Financial Analysis),公司金融( Corporate Finance)等;也有一些侧重金融财务在某一特定领域的应用和研究,如银行金融(Finance and Banking),近年新兴的低碳金融(Carbon Finance)等。还有许多与其他学科的联合学位课程,常见的有与经济学(Economics),数学(Mathematics),工程学(Engineering)的联合课程。除此之外,由这一领域延伸出的还有各种投资类(Investment)或风险管理类(Risk Management)学科,更加侧重对金融产品的操作和风险规避。
课程名称:MSc Finance and Accounting
Students who complete the MSc Finance & Accounting programme successfully will be able to:
Understand how financial accounts are prepared and used in decision making, particularly capital budgeting and valuation.
Have a strong grasp of the legal and regulatory environment in which both non financial and financial corporates operate.
Formulate a corporate strategy and where necessary support these ideas with a detailed priced proposal.
Demonstrate a critical awareness of fundamental finance theories and models and their use and context in real financial markets.
Use the above models to look at funding solutions and managing corporate risk.
Apply mathematical tools to financial problems including the pricing of financial instruments and products.
Analyse economic and financial data and evaluate investment decisions: students should be able to apply econometric theory and software to draw valid conclusions.